Add Your Membership to Shopify

Where to Find Your Membership Management URL in Single and How to Add It to Your Shopify Store

How it works

  • When you create a Membership in Single, you'll receive a unique 'Membership Management URL'.
  • This URL serves as a centralized hub for customers to sign up, manage their subscription, and access exclusive member perks.

Note: The Membership Management URL generates a proxy page that cannot be surfaced or edited in your Shopify admin or editor. If you want to design a more custom experience, refer to this tutorial here.


  1. Log into your Single account
  2. Go to Membership from the left side menu
  3. Select the membership you want to add to your store
  4. Copy the Membership Management URL.
  5. In your Shopify admin, go Online Store > Navigation
  6. Click Main menu in Menus
  7. Click Add menu item
  8. Add a name for the menu item - title it after your membership program
  9. Paste your Membership Management URL in link field
  10. Click Add then Save menu.

Tip: If you're looking for something more custom, check this article out.