Chart Reporting Page 101

How to use Single's Chart Reporting page to understand your reported totals

You are now able to see all formats reported for a release in one cohesive total. Digital, physical, fan packs and boxed sets will all appear in a particular release week for a particular chart.

The Single UI updates every 15 minutes. After taking an action please wait 15 minutes before flagging any discrepancies to Single support.

Reporting Week Selector

Click the date selector dropdown and select a day of the month. This will automatically highlight the reporting week that the day falls in, which is always Friday - Thursday.

Please note: While we display the Friday - Thursday chart week, for physical Billboard reporting this includes sales shipped from Tuesday - Monday.

“Reporting Week of” Name

The “Reporting Week of” name changes when you select a chart - since each chart partner names their weeks differently.

  • Billboard names each chart week by assigning a "week-ending" date, which is the Saturday following the chart's official release
  • The OCC names each chart week by the day it was published, which is the Friday following the data collection period
  • ARIA names each chart week by the "week-commencing" date, which is the Monday following the data collection period

Search & Saved Searches

Once you select a reporting week, you can use the new search feature to find all formats for a release. Simply type the UPC or name of the Shopify product and check the box next to the digital, physical, boxed set or fan pack.

Once your view contains all music products associated with the release, click “Save Search”. Name your search and click “Save”. Your saved search will now appear in the dropdown to the right of the search box.

This search will be accessible to all users on the Single account and includes both the list of products and the selected release week.


Reporting Equation

The most important feature on the Chart Reporting page is the equation at the top. This allows you to understand exactly which sales reported, which did not and pinpoint exactly why any did not. The equation is:


Total Sold

This includes any sales that were made this week and sales from previous weeks which hadn't been fulfilled. Unfulfilled sales from previous weeks are included here because if fulfilled, they are eligible to report in the current chart week. Click “Details” to see a breakdown of this total:


Total Blocked

Single has Billboard's chart rules built into our system. This means that we filter out ineligible sales before they are included in our reports - which ensures your “reported” total is as close as possible to what will actually be counted. Below is a list of all possible reasons sales may be blocked, along with a short description:

  • Point of Sale: The order was generated via the POS Shopify sales channel, therefore Single is not allowed to report it
  • Reporting Disabled: Reporting type "None" was specified for the digital album during setup in Single
  • Missing Report IDs: The digital album was published without a UPC
  • Excluded Product Type Bundle: The album product included merchandise, making it ineligible for reporting
  • Price Range: The album price did not meet the Billboard minimum of $3.99
  • Report Date Updated: While originally set to report during this chart week, the release date was changed and therefore the sale was removed
  • Refund: The order was refunded in Shopify
  • Quantity: The order included 10 or more copies of the same UPC, which means it was automatically excluded from Luminate reports
  • Bulk Sale: Each customer is allowed to purchase 4 physical albums and 1 digital album per week. Sales here were removed for bulk because purchases exceed these limits, based on customer shipping address, billing address or email address
  • Early Fulfillment: Physical sales may ship no earlier than Tuesday before a Friday release. This total represents sales that shipped prior to this and were therefore excluded
  • Email: There was no customer email address associated with the order
  • Email Bounced: The download link email associated with this order was not delivered to the customer’s mailbox due to an invalid customer email address
  • Manual: This represents sales excluded manually by the Single team by request of Luminate

Total Unfulfilled

This total reflects the amount of sales which remain unfulfilled in Shopify.

Total Scheduled to Report

Single’s reports to Luminate are delivered every morning around 10:15 am ET. Therefore sales you mark fulfilled in Shopify will not report immediately. This total represents sales marked fulfilled today that are eligible to report, and will be reported the following day at 10:15 am ET.

Total Reported

This represents the total sales which have already been reported. This should equal the total of the previous 4 boxes:

[Total Sold + Total Blocked + Total Unfulfilled + Total Scheduled to Report = Total Reported]