Create a Shopify Customer Segment for Members

If you haven’t yet created and published your membership, see this article.

First, here’s a little background on how we identify customers that are part of your membership: 

Whenever you publish a Membership using Single, we create a product for each tier of the Membership program. If you only have 1 tier, we will only create 1 product. If you have multiple tiers, we will create multiple products. 

So for example, if you create a Membership with tiers named “My Fan Club - Gold Tier” and “My Fan Club - Silver Tier” – we will create two products: 

  • Product 1: “My Fan Club - Gold Tier” 
  • Product 2: “My Fan Club - Silver Tier” 

Whenever someone purchases the product to sign up for your membership, we will create a customer tag for them, which is based on the name of the product. 

Here’s what that looks like: 

In order to create a customer segment, you will need to have at least 1 active member in each of your tiers. If you don’t have any active members yet, consider gifting a free membership to a few friends or family. To learn how to do that, check out this article.  

Steps to Create a Customer Segment

If you have at least 1 active member in each of your tiers, follow these steps:

  • Log into Shopify 
  • Navigate to your Shopify Admin 
  • From the left rail, click ‘Customers’ 
  • Under ‘Customers,’ click ‘Segments 
  • In the top right, click the ‘Create segment’ button 
  • In the segment creation module, click ‘Apply a filter’ 
  • In the list of Shopify filters, choose ‘Customer tags’ 
  • From the action list that appears, choose ‘Contains this exact tag’ 
  • From the pre-populated list of tags, select the tag that matches your membership tier 
  • Click ‘Apply filter’ 

You should now see a list of customers in your store who are active in this specific membership tier. Click the 'Save segment' button and name your segment.

What's Next?

With your customer segment created, you can do things like: