Archiving Memberships, Tiers, or Terms

FAQs About Archiving Memberships, Tiers, and Terms

What happens when I archive a membership, tier, or term?

Archiving a membership, tier, or term will instantly cancel the membership and all associated perks for active members. This action cannot be undone, so be careful not to archive memberships, tiers, or terms with active members.

How can I avoid accidentally archiving a membership, tier, or term?

To prevent mistakes, Single has added a security measure that requires you to manually enter the name of the membership you want to archive before making any changes.

Can I restore a membership, tier, or term if I republish it?

No, republishing an archived membership, tier, or term will not bring back lost members. If a member loses their membership, they will have to pay the full price again to start a new membership term.

Will customers receive a refund if they lose their membership due to archiving?

No, customers will not automatically receive a partial or full refund if they lose their membership because it was archived. As the store owner, it's up to you to decide whether to provide a refund or not.