Managing Perks

How to Archive, Add, and Edit Tier Perks in Single

It's normal to adjust tier perks as time goes by, and fortunately, you can easily archive, add, or edit your tier perks in Single at anytime. To do this:

  1. Log in to your Single account.
  2. From the left sidebar, select "Memberships." You will be directed to the Manage Memberships page.
  3. Select the program you want to modify and go to the Perks page. From there, you will have a few options at the tier-level: 
    1. Removing perks by clicking the "Archive" button. Please note that doing so only affect new members going forward, whereas existing members who have already claimed or purchased the perk will not be affected.
    2. Adding new perks by clicking the "Add Content" button and choose from the options available.
    3. Changing the Claim Limit, Discounts Allowed, and Visibility settings for content (pages, products, videos) that is already gated.
  4. Click "Save All" when you're finished making changes.

💡 Tip: Communicate any changes to your members to ensure they are aware of any updates to their membership benefits.