Set Up Gift Memberships

Shopify offers discount code functionality for subscription products, allowing you to create specialized discount codes for Membership Products created in Single with the following options:

    • Discount applies to the first subscription payment only, customer then billed monthly as normal.
    • Discount applies to X # of subscription payments.
    • Discount applies to all recurring subscription payments moving forward -- which effectively works as a "lifetime comp'd" membership.



      1. Log into your Shopify account.

      2. Navigate to Discounts > Create Discount.

      3. Select "Amount off products / Product Discount" as the discount type.

      4. Choose whether you want a discount code or an automatic discount.

      5. Enter the discount value and set the purchase type to Subscription.

      6. Search your Shopify inventory to find the membership product to apply the discount to.

      7. Set any minimum purchase requirements, customer eligibility restrictions, and maximum discount uses.

      8. For recurring payments for subscriptions, select one of these options:

        • Limit discount to the first payment
        • Limit discount to multiple recurring payments
        • Discount applies to all recurring payments
      9. Configure any combinations and set the active dates for the discount.

      10. Click "Save Discount" to create it.