Displaying Terms & Conditions to Potential Members

This article shows 2 different ways to display your membership’s terms and conditions so potential members know what to expect

  • Terms & Conditions on the membership tier product page
  • Additional text on the cart, checkout and order confirmation pages

Terms & Conditions

The first way to display terms and conditions to potential members is on the membership tier product page. This requires customers to check a box next to your terms before adding the membership tier to their cart


Setting your terms & conditions happens on your "Edit Membership Tiers" page in Single. After you select "Yes" in the "Show Terms & Conditions" field, another field will appear where you can enter text:


How this appears in your store

After publishing, you will see the terms & conditions entered above appear within a box on your membership tier product page. Customers will be required to check this box before adding the tier to their cart:


Renewal Message

You can also add text to a few more places, which ensures your customers see relevant information throughout the entire checkout flow when purchasing a membership tier.


Setting a renew message happens within the "Terms" section of the membership creation process:


How this appears in your store

This test appears in 4 different places during the checkout flow:

  1. On the "add to cart" popup
  2. On the "Your Cart" page
  3. On the checkout page
  4. On the Shopify order confirmation page
