Customize Notification Email HTML in Single

Note: This feature is only available to users on a Gold subscription. You can always adjust your subscription by visiting Settings in Single. 

Whenever customers purchase a product you created in Single (digital release, video rental, membership, live stream ticket etc), we send a notification email.

These emails have several out-of-the-box personalization options, which are covered in this article. But if you have an understanding of editing HTML code, you can go a step further customizing the email’s full HTML. 


  1. Log into your Single account 
  2. From the left sidebar, go to Settings > Notifications
  3. Find the section titled Customize Email HTML 
  4. Choose which email you’d like to edit (Digital Fulfillment or Membership Sign Up) 
  5. Click the Edit Icon (pen) to see and adjust the code 
  6. Click Save 
  7. Click Close 
  8. Flip the Enable Toggle to enable your changes 
  9. To test your changes, use the Test Email Delivery section below

Tip: If you’d like to edit the entire email’s code outside of Single, you can click the Copy icon on to paste into an editor of your choice, adjust, then paste back into Single. At any point if you’d like to revert to the original HTML, click the Edit Icon (pen) then click the Reset button.