Enable "Classic" Customer Accounts

To create a membership program in Single, you must first enable classic customer accounts in your Shopify store. This is an essential step and cannot be achieved with the default "new" customer accounts option.


  1. Log in to your Shopify admin
  2. Go to Settings > Customer accounts
  3. In the Accounts in online store and checkout section, click Edit
  4. In the Login experience section, select the following option:
    • Show login link in the header of online store and at checkout: If you select this option, then a login link is displayed in your online store. The link is usually located in the store's header, but the placement might vary depending on your theme. A login link is also displayed on the checkout page.
  5. In the Choose which version of customer accounts to use section, select Classic customer accounts
  6. Click Save

classic accounts

Note: For more on customer accounts, check out this Shopify article.

What's Next?

Once you've enabled classic customer accounts and fulfilled other Shopify requirements for memberships, you can start creating your membership.