Create Members-Only Video Collections

Learn how to give your members access to exclusive videos through a dedicated video tab on your Membership page.

How it works

  • You select videos from your Single video library
  • Set access permissions for each video
  • A new tab appears on your Membership page
  • Members can access this exclusive video collection when logged in

Watch a video

Step by step

Note: Before you start, make sure you've uploaded videos to your Single library. Need help? Check out our guides for livestreams, rental, and VOD.
  • Log into your Single account
  • Navigate to Memberships from the left sidebar
  • Select or create a Membership
  • Go to Membership tier page
  • Under "Exclusive Access", choose "Video + Livestream"
  • Select videos from your Single video library
    • Include all uploaded video
    • Search by title for specific videos
    • Select videos by tags and give your selection a collection title

  • Choose to show or hide select videos on your Membership page

What's next

  • If you're using the default Membership page, no action required! Simply share your videos in a post to drive awareness.
  • If you're taking a custom approach your membership, you can use Single app blocks add your video to your store.